Saturday, January 10, 2009

Play Dates

I have had some really good "Play Dates" lately with all of my friends.

I went to visit Isa at her house and got to see her mommy and grandparents too. We had a delicious lunch. Miss Christy made quesidillas for everyone except for me and Isa....

and then Mommy and I drove to Ya Ya's house because Gammy Nan, UJ and Jackson were all in town and I needed to see Jackson. It had been too long since I last saw Jackson!

So long Jackson! Have a safe ride back to Columbia. I had fun playing with you!

Next, Mommy's friend Miss Sarah from Columbia brought Cooper to my house for a full day of fun!

First we chatted and got to know one another.

Then we had a delicous lunch together.

Cooper let me play with his xylophone.

And then we had the most fun by playing a game of Chase!!!

Cooper kept asking me to SLOW down!

Mr Trey and Miss Kelly invited all the Taylors to a delicous dinner at there house.

I had so much fun playing with Alicia and all of her toys. We even talked about starting our own band.

Isa came by my house for a very quick visit. I showed her my fun Ladybug shoes.

One day after church Gabrielle, Elias and I got to play.

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